This picture says more than I can really explain! I was not the girl who would even show a picture like this! Actually I would of never even let anyone have seen me like this.
Low Self Esteem, Feelings Of Unworthiness, Never Feeling Like I Deserved Anything or Anyone.
For years I hid my pain behind a bottle & pills. For many years I just tried to stay numb from the pain. For many years I had no idea who Tammy Lyn Connors even was.
You see I was that little girl you hear about. I came from an alcoholic home, I came from an abusive home, I came from a broken home, I came from a verbally abusive step father, I left at a young age to get married.
Never did I feel like I was in a good place with myself. For years after I left my home I was abused mentally & physically. I had no reason to even want to be here anymore. Then I had my awesome son!! Now I had a purpose! Then my 2nd handsome son (who went with Jesus at 6 months old) YES I WAS TRULY NEEDED!!
The abuse continued & I finally left!!
I now was drinking daily & my world was nothing but work & drinking!! 7 years later I became the Alcoholic!
My struggle has always been trying to fit in & I never did. Even after I became sober I still never felt like I did.
The last 5 years my life has changed I finally started looking at myself in a different way!! I started looking at myself in the mirror & reminding my self that I Am Beautiful, I Am Worthy, I Am Enough. I said it enough that I finally BeLieVed I Am Enough & I Am made Perfectly Imperfect in Gods Eyes.
When someone is in my life whether family or friend & they are not lifting others or growing themselves. I have to show them the exit to my world! Because I will never be lost again!!